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Have you ever experienced these symptoms

Let’s take a deeper look into symptoms that are commonly attributed to nerve impairment, and the disease called peripheral neuropathy.


You may be unaware that simple body discomforts, such as tingling or numbness, which are frequently overlooked, could be a signal that your nervous system is impaired. Fortunately, your doctor may help you to recognise and control them. 


Your peripheral nervous system sends information from your brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) to the rest of your body and the other way around. If the nerves are damaged, the message could be disrupted and symptoms could occur.

Every nerve in your peripheral nervous system has a specific function, so sensations and symptoms depend on the type of nerves affected. 

Sometimes, a sign or symptom related to nerve damage may not be noticed, or not seem relevant, but it could be meaningful for the physician. Doctors are trained to pick up signs that an untrained individual might not see or hear when reported or not perceived as important.

That’s why paying attention to what our body tells us and speaking with our doctor is so important. 


Symptoms related to nerves are a lot and difficult to understand because people often aren’t able to find the right words to describe them and, actually, they don’t even know and realize it’s all about “the nervous system”. 

Different kinds of symptoms that could be related to nerve damage. Do you always notice them? 


This checklist will guide you through some of the symptoms of nerve impairment that could be warning signs to look for.

Specific symptoms that you would notice and which can be related to nerve impairment

You can feel and mention them.


Specific symptoms that you would not notice and which can be related to nerve impairment 

You can’t feel them and often you don’t mention them.

Additional symptoms which might be related to nerve damage

All of these symptoms of nerve impairment tend to be more severe at rest, especially in the evenings or at night, so you can’t sleep very well. If one or more of the following symptoms is present and persistent, a trip to your health care provider is definitely recommended.


Most commonly affected areas of the body


There are areas of the body that can be more commonly affected by symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, like numbness or burning pain. They are very characteristic and are often located in these areas: 




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