Have you recently felt some disturbing sensation in your hands or feet? Like tusok-tusok (tingling), manhid (numbness) or burning sensation? Do they stop you from living your everyday life the way you used to?
These symptoms can be signs of nerve damage, called peripheral neuropathy (PN). It can be caused by vitamin B deficiency. If left untreated, it can get worse.
Vitamins B1+B6+B12 (Neurobion) contains clinically proven nerve-nourishing B vitamins that help treat symptoms of nerve damage. Its 3 neurotropic B vitamins B1, B6 and B12 work synergistically, helps treat nerve damage & regenerate your nerves, along with proper diet and exercise.
Our products contain clinically proven nerve-nourishing B vitamins² that helps treat symptoms of nerve damage. They help to regenerate, nourish and protect the nerves in the long-term, along with proper diet and exercise.
¹ Calderón‐Ospina, C. A., & Nava‐Mesa, M. O. (2020). B Vitamins in the nervous system: Current knowledge of the biochemical modes of action and synergies of thiamine, pyridoxine, and cobalamin. CNS neuroscience & therapeutics, 26(1), 5-13.
² Hakim, M., Kurniani, N., Pinzon, R., Tugasworo, D., Basuki, M., & Haddani, H. (2019). A Review on Prevalence and Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy and Treatment of Different Etiologic Subgroups with Neurotropic B Vitamins. J Clin Exp Pharmacol, 9(262), 2161-1459.
ASC Ref No. P170N042822NS